casinhl - Linux


casinhl is a mathematical utility that calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a given real number. It is commonly used in scientific and engineering applications, such as statistics, probability, and mathematical modeling.


casinhl [options] <input>


-d, –degree
Specify the angle measure in degrees (default).

-r, –radian
Specify the angle measure in radians.

-p, –precision=
Set the output’s decimal precision (default: 10).

-h, –help
Display usage information.


Simple usage:

# Calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of 2:
echo 2 | casinhl

Using degrees:

# Calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of 60 degrees:
echo 60 | casinhl -d

Setting decimal precision:

# Calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of 3 with 5 decimal places:
echo 3 | casinhl -p 5

Common Issues

  • Invalid input: Make sure the input is a valid real number.
  • Negative values: casinhl is only defined for non-negative values.


casinhl can be combined with other commands to perform advanced tasks:

# Calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of 2 and round it to the nearest integer:
echo 2 | casinhl | xargs echo "$((`printf "%.0f" $(casinhl 2)`))"

Related Commands

  • asinh – Calculate the hyperbolic sine
  • sinh – Calculate the hyperbolic sine
  • cosh – Calculate the hyperbolic cosine
  • tanh – Calculate the hyperbolic tangent