cargl - Linux


cargl is a command-line utility designed for efficient and flexible data manipulation in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. It offers powerful tools for filtering, sorting, aggregating, and analyzing large CSV datasets with ease.


cargl [options] <commands> <input-file> <output-file>


| Option | Description | Default Value |
| -f, --filter | Filters the input data based on a specified condition | None |
| -s, --sort | Sorts the input data by one or more columns | None |
| -g, --group | Group the data by one or more columns | None |
| -a, --aggregate | Performs aggregation operations (sum, count, average) on specific columns | None |
| -d, --delimiter | Specifies the delimiter character separating data fields | ‘,’ |
| -q, --quiet | Suppresses all non-essential output during the operation | False |
| -h, --help | Displays help information | None |


Example 1: Filter data

cargl -f "age > 30" input.csv output.csv

Example 2: Sort data

cargl -s "age DESC" -s "name ASC" input.csv output.csv

Example 3: Aggregate and group data

cargl -g "dept" -a "sum(salary)" input.csv output.csv

Common Issues

  • Invalid filter expression: Ensure that the filter condition is formatted correctly using the valid syntax.
  • Incompatible input file: Verify that the input file is a valid CSV file with the specified delimiter.
  • Duplicate output file: Specify a unique output filename if the output file already exists.


cargl can be integrated with other commands using pipes:

cat input.csv | cargl -f "age > 30" | sort -k 2

Related Commands

  • csvkit – A suite of command-line tools for CSV data manipulation
  • pandas – A Python library for data analysis and manipulation
  • jq – A command-line JSON processor