cap_iab_get_pid - Linux


cap_iab_get_pid is a Linux command used to retrieve the process ID (PID) of the process that was given a network access permission through the Internet Access Blocker (IAB).


cap_iab_get_pid [-c config_file] [-q] [-d mac | ifname]


  • -c config_file: Specify an alternative configuration file. Defaults to /etc/cap_iab.conf.
  • -q: Quiet mode. Suppresses output of daemon and PID information.
  • -d mac | ifname: Network interface identifier. Can be either a MAC address or interface name.


Get the PID of the process that was granted access by the IAB:


Get the PID using a MAC address:

cap_iab_get_pid -d 00:11:22:33:44:55

Get the PID using an interface name:

cap_iab_get_pid -d eth0

Get the PID in quiet mode:

cap_iab_get_pid -q

Common Issues

  • No PID returned: The process that was granted access may have terminated or the permission may have expired.
  • Incorrect PID: If the -d option is specified, the MAC address or interface name provided may be incorrect.


cap_iab_get_pid can be used in scripts or command chains to automate tasks related to network access control. For example, it can be combined with kill to terminate the process that was granted access.

# Grant access to a specific MAC address
cap_iab_grant -d 00:11:22:33:44:55

# Get the PID of the process that was granted access
pid=$(cap_iab_get_pid -d 00:11:22:33:44:55)

# Terminate the process
kill $pid

Related Commands

  • cap_iab_grant: Grants network access to a specific MAC address or interface.
  • cap_iab_revoke: Revokes network access from a specific MAC address or interface.