cabs - Linux


cabs is a command-line utility that provides flexible and efficient data manipulation and analysis capabilities. It empowers users to extract, filter, sort, and aggregate data from various sources, making it an indispensable tool for data processing and analysis workflows.


cabs [options] <input-file> [output-file]

Required Arguments

  • <input-file>: The file path to the input data source. Supported formats include CSV, JSON, XML, and HTML.
  • <output-file>: (Optional) The file path to save the processed data. If omitted, results will be printed to the standard output.


| Option | Short | Description | Default |
| -f | --filter | Specifies a custom filter expression to select specific data rows. | N/A |
| -s | --sort | Sorts the data according to the specified column(s). | N/A |
| -g | --group | Groups the data by the specified column(s). | N/A |
| -a | --aggregate | Performs aggregate operations (e.g., sum, average) on the specified column(s). | N/A |
| -o | --output-format | Specifies the output format (e.g., csv, json). | Inferred from input format |
| -h | --help | Displays the help menu. | N/A |


Simple Filtering: Select rows where the "name" column contains "John":

cabs -f "name='John'" input.csv output.csv

Complex Sorting: Sort data by both the "age" and "salary" columns in descending order:

cabs -s "-age -salary" input.csv

Grouping and Aggregation: Group data by the "department" column and calculate the average salary for each department:

cabs -g department -a avg(salary) input.csv

Custom Output Format: Export the results as a JSON file:

cabs -o json input.csv output.json

Common Issues

  • Missing Required Arguments: Ensure you provide both an input file and output file or specify the -o option to print to standard output.
  • Invalid Filter Expression: Verify the syntax of your filter expression. If using quotes, make sure they are escaped or enclosed in single quotes.
  • Unsupported Input Format: Ensure your input file is in one of the supported formats (csv, json, xml, html).


Chaining with Other Commands: Use cabs as part of a command chain to perform complex data processing tasks. For example, filter data and pipe it to a visualization tool:

cabs -f "age>30" input.csv | plot "scatter"

Scripting: Incorporate cabs into scripts to automate data processing tasks. For example, generate a weekly report from a database:

cabs -f "date>last_week" database.csv report.csv

Related Commands

  • awk
  • sed
  • grep

For more information and examples, refer to the official documentation: cabs documentation