boolcodes - Linux
boolcodes is a command-line tool used to convert boolean expressions into human-readable English descriptions. It helps in simplifying complex logical expressions and making them easier to understand and interpret.
- -h, –help: Displays usage information.
- -v, –verbose: Prints additional information during execution.
- -o, –output-file: Specifies the output file to save the English description (default: stdout).
- -n, –no-color: Disables colored output.
Convert a simple boolean expression:
boolcodes A && B
A and B
Convert a complex expression with parentheses:
boolcodes (A || B) && (C || D)
(A or B) and (C or D)
Save the output to a file:
boolcodes (A || B) && (C || D) -o output.txt
Output (in output.txt):
(A or B) and (C or D)
Common Issues
- Missing parentheses: Ensure that all logical operators are enclosed in parentheses to avoid ambiguity.
- Invalid boolean expression: Verify that the provided expression follows valid boolean syntax.
- Typographical errors: Double-check for any typos in the expression or command.
Combine with other commands: Pipe output to other tools, such as grep
or less
, for filtering or pagination.
Use as a script: Create scripts that automate the conversion of boolean expressions to English descriptions.
Related Commands
- expr: Evaluates mathematical expressions.
- test: Evaluates boolean expressions.
- Truth Table Generator: Interactive truth table generator for boolean expressions.