blkpr - Linux


blkpr is a powerful command-line tool designed to provide real-time performance metrics and statistics for storage devices. It offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities, enabling administrators and users to track block I/O performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize storage configurations.


blkpr [options] <block_device_file>


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose mode, providing more detailed output.
  • -s, –sample: Set the sampling interval (in seconds). Default: 5
  • -d, –duration: Specify the monitoring duration (in seconds). Default: Indefinite
  • -o, –output: Specify the output file. Default: Print to standard output.
  • -f, –format: Define the output format. Supports CSV, JSON, and graph (text-based). Default: graph
  • –no-header: Suppress column headers in the output.


Simple monitoring of the root device:

blkpr /dev/sda

Verbose monitoring of all block devices for 10 minutes:

blkpr -v -d 600

Exporting CSV statistics to a file:

blkpr -o my_stats.csv /dev/sdb

Common Issues

  • Ensure the specified block device file is valid and accessible.
  • Check that the system has sufficient permissions to monitor the device.
  • If the output is too verbose, adjust the sampling interval to reduce data volume.


Combine with I/O utilities:

  • Use blktrace to capture raw I/O traces and analyze them with blkpr.
  • Leverage iotop to identify processes responsible for high I/O utilization.

Automate monitoring:

  • Create scripts or cron jobs to run blkpr periodically and monitor storage performance over time.
  • Integrate blkpr into monitoring systems like Prometheus or Nagios for real-time alerts and dashboards.

Related Commands

  • blktrace: Captures detailed I/O trace data.
  • iotop: Monitors I/O utilization per process.
  • smartctl: Manages and checks the health of storage devices.