bkgrndset - Linux


bkgrndset configures and sets the background image for the login screen or the desktop background. It automatically converts images to the appropriate file format and size for optimal display.


bkgrndset [-h] [-f] [-i <image file>] [-r]


  • -h, –help: Display usage information.
  • -f, –force: Overwrite existing background image without prompting.
  • -i, –image : Path to the image file.
  • -r, –reset: Resets to default background image.


  • Simple: Set background to an image named "nature.jpg":
bkgrndset -i nature.jpg
  • Overwrite existing: Force overwrite of background image:
bkgrndset -f -i new-background.png
  • Reset to default: Revert to the system’s default background:
bkgrndset -r

Common Issues

  • File format: Ensure the image file is in a supported format (e.g., JPEG, PNG).
  • Image size: The image should be large enough to cover the screen resolution.
  • Permission denied: Check if you have the necessary permissions to write to the background image file.


  • Use xrandr to configure multiple monitor backgrounds:
for i in $(xrandr --query | grep ' connected' | cut -d' ' -f1); do 
  bkgrndset -i <path_to_image> -f --output $i 

Related Commands

  • feh, nitrogen: Alternative background image setting tools.