BerElement - Linux


The BerElement command is a versatile tool used for manipulating and parsing Basic Encoding Rules (BER) data. It enables users to encode and decode BER-formatted data structures, making it ideal for tasks involving ASN.1 data manipulation.


BerElement [options] [command] [arguments]


  • -i, --input: Specify the input file or data to process.
  • -o, --output: Set the destination path for the output file.
  • -d, --decode: Decode the input BER data.
  • -e, --encode: Encode the input data into BER format.
  • -t, --type: Specify the type of BER data to be processed (e.g., INTEGER, SEQUENCE, SET).
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output for debugging purposes.
  • -h, --help: Display help and usage information.


Encode an INTEGER value:

BerElement -e -t INTEGER 123

Decode a SEQUENCE containing two INTEGERs:

BerElement -d -t SEQUENCE '{123, 456}'

Process BER data from a file:

BerElement -i input.ber -o output.der -d

Common Issues

  • Invalid BER format: Ensure the input data is correctly formatted according to BER specifications.
  • Incorrect type specification: Specify the correct BER data type using the -t option.
  • Unexpected output: Check the command options and arguments to ensure they match the desired operation.


BerElement can be integrated with other Linux commands for extended functionality. For instance:

  • Combine with openssl: Use openssl asn1parse to view the decoded BER data in ASN.1 format.
  • Process BER data from a pipe: Redirect the output of BerElement to other commands using pipes.

Related Commands

  • openssl asn1parse
  • asn1c
  • dertool

For more information, refer to the BerElement documentation.