ber_uint_t - Linux


ber_uint_t is an utility command used to encode and decode BER-encoded unsigned integers. It is primarily employed in applications involving data exchange and communication protocols that require efficient and standardized handling of integer values.


ber_uint_t [options] [<input-file>] [<output-file>]


  • -e: Encode the specified input file into BER format.
  • -d: Decode the specified input file from BER format.
  • -o, –output-file: Specify the output file path (default: stdout).
  • -i, –input-file: Specify the input file path (default: stdin).
  • -h, –help: Display usage information.


Encode an unsigned integer:

ber_uint_t -e 123 > encoded_uint

Decode a BER-encoded unsigned integer:

ber_uint_t -d encoded_uint

Encode and write to a specific file:

ber_uint_t -e 456 -o encoded_uint.bin

Decode and read from a specific file:

ber_uint_t -d encoded_uint.bin -o decoded_uint.txt

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the input file contains a valid BER-encoded unsigned integer.
  • Check if the output file is writable and readable as required.
  • Verify that the correct options are selected for encoding or decoding.


Combine with other commands:

  • grep: Filter BER-encoded integers based on patterns.
  • awk: Process and manipulate decoded integers.

Related Commands

  • ber_decode_integer: Decode a BER-encoded integer of any size.
  • ber_encode_integer: Encode an integer of any size into BER format.