ber_str2bv - Linux


ber_str2bv is a command-line utility designed to convert a BER-encoded string to its Base64 Variant (BV) representation. It finds application in security and communication protocols like TLS, where BV encoding is commonly used to encode strings securely.


ber_str2bv [options] <BER-encoded string>


  • -h, –help: Displays usage information.
  • -b, –binary: Output in binary format instead of base64.
  • -q, –quiet: Suppress all warnings and errors.
  • -v, –verbose: Print detailed messages about the conversion process.


Convert a BER-encoded string to BV:

ber_str2bv "Hello, world!"

Output in binary format:

ber_str2bv -b "Hello, world!"

Common Issues

  • Invalid input: If the provided string is not a valid BER-encoded string, the command will exit with an error.
  • Non-printable characters: Output in binary format may contain non-printable characters that can disrupt scripts or commands.


Use with OpenSSL:

openssl rsa -in private.key -out public.key -pubout | ber_str2bv

Related Commands

  • openssl: A versatile cryptographic toolkit.
  • base64: Encodes and decodes data using Base64 encoding.
  • bv_str2ber: Converts Base64 Variant strings to BER.