ber_start_set - Linux


ber_start_set is a utility designed to initiate BER or packet session setup within a Linux network interface. It facilitates the establishment of connections between systems using BER (Basic Encoding Rules) or packet protocols.


ber_start_set [-?] [-p <line_discipline>] [-N <number>] [-r <baud_rate>] [-D <device>] [-T <header>]


  • -h, -?: Display help information.
  • -p <line_discipline>: Set the line discipline to use (e.g., c_line, raw). Default: raw.
  • -N : Specify the channel number to use. Default: 0.
  • -r <baud_rate>: Set the baud rate for the connection. Default: 9600.
  • -D : Specify the device to use for the connection.
  • -T
    : Set the transmit header for the connection.


  • Initialize a BER session on line 1 of the loopback interface at 19200 baud rate:
ber_start_set -N 1 -p lo -r 19200
  • Start a packet session on the serial port /dev/ttyS1 with a header of "ABCD":
ber_start_set -D /dev/ttyS1 -T ABCD

Common Issues

  • Connection failed: Ensure that the device is properly connected, the specified device exists, and the permissions are set correctly.
  • Invalid line discipline: Check that the specified line discipline is valid and supported on the system.


ber_start_set can be combined with other commands, such as kermit, for file transfer and terminal emulation tasks. It can also integrate with applications using BER or packet protocols for communication.

Related Commands

  • kermit: File transfer and terminal emulation tool.
  • slip: Serial Line Internet Protocol.
  • ppp: Point-to-Point Protocol.