ber_sockbuf_remove_io - Linux


ber_sockbuf_remove_io is a highly optimized function for removing a Berkeley socket buffer from an I/O event notification mechanism. It is commonly used in conjunction with the Berkeley Sockets API and is particularly effective for handling large-scale network applications with a focus on performance and scalability.


ber_sockbuf_remove_io(sockbuf, opaque)
  • sockbuf: A pointer to a ber_socket_buf structure representing the socket buffer that needs to be removed from I/O event notification.
  • opaque: A pointer to an opaque value that was previously provided when setting up the I/O event notification for the socket buffer.


ber_sockbuf_remove_io does not support any options or flags.


Simple Removal of Socket Buffer from I/O Notification:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <ber_sockbuf.h>

int main() {
    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    struct ber_socket_buf *sockbuf = ber_sockbuf_create(sockfd);
    ber_sockbuf_set_io_notification(sockbuf, opaque_value);
    ber_sockbuf_remove_io(sockbuf, opaque_value);
    return 0;

Complex Usage with Event Loop:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <ber_sockbuf.h>
#include <event2/event.h>

int main() {
    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    struct ber_socket_buf *sockbuf = ber_sockbuf_create(sockfd);
    struct event_base *event_base = event_base_new();
    ber_sockbuf_set_io_notification(sockbuf, opaque_value);

    // Create an event to handle read events from the socket buffer
    struct event *event = event_new(event_base, sockfd, EV_READ, &read_callback, opaque_value);

    // Add the event to the event base
    event_add(event, NULL);

    // Enter the event loop

    // Remove the socket buffer from I/O notification when done
    ber_sockbuf_remove_io(sockbuf, opaque_value);
    return 0;

Common Issues

  • Invalid Socket Buffer or Opaque Value: Passing an invalid socket buffer or opaque value can result in undefined behavior and application crashes. It is crucial to ensure that these values are valid before calling ber_sockbuf_remove_io.
  • Concurrent Modifications: Removing a socket buffer from I/O notification while it is still being used by other threads can lead to unexpected behavior. It is advisable to synchronize access to the socket buffer to avoid such issues.


ber_sockbuf_remove_io can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands and tools for advanced network programming. Here are a few examples:

  • epoll_ctl(2): Use ber_sockbuf_remove_io to remove socket buffers from epoll event monitoring.
  • select(2): Remove socket buffers from select monitoring by using ber_sockbuf_remove_io.
  • poll(2): Stop polling for I/O events on socket buffers using ber_sockbuf_remove_io.

Related Commands

  • ber_sockbuf_set_io_notification(3): Sets up I/O event notification for a Berkeley socket buffer.
  • event2(3): A high-performance event notification framework that can be used with ber_sockbuf_remove_io for handling I/O events.