ber_sockbuf_alloc - Linux


ber_sockbuf_alloc allocates a new socket buffer to be used for a specific socket. Socket buffers are used to hold data that is sent or received over a socket.


ber_sockbuf_alloc(int sockfd, int socktype);

| Argument | Description |
| sockfd | The file descriptor of the socket for which to allocate a buffer. |
| socktype | The type of socket for which to allocate a buffer. This can be one of the following values: |
| | – SOCK_DGRAM |


There are no options or flags available for this command.


To allocate a socket buffer for a TCP socket, you would use the following command:

ber_sockbuf_alloc(sockfd, SOCK_STREAM);

To allocate a socket buffer for a UDP socket, you would use the following command:

ber_sockbuf_alloc(sockfd, SOCK_DGRAM);

Common Issues

One common issue that can occur when using ber_sockbuf_alloc is that the function can fail if the socket is not valid. To avoid this issue, you should always check the return value of ber_sockbuf_alloc to make sure that it was successful.


ber_sockbuf_alloc can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands to create powerful networking applications. For example, you could use ber_sockbuf_alloc to allocate a socket buffer for a socket that is used by a web server.

Related Commands

The following commands are related to ber_sockbuf_alloc:

  • ber_sockbuf_free – Frees a socket buffer.
  • ber_send – Sends data over a socket.
  • ber_recv – Receives data from a socket.