ber_get_stringb - Linux


The ber_get_stringb command extracts a BER encoded string from a given input stream. This command is primarily used to decode data that has been encoded using BER (Basic Encoding Rules), a standard encoding format for data exchange.


ber_get_stringb [options] <input_file>


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing more details about the decoding process.
  • -o, –output: Specify the output file to which the decoded string will be written. (Default: stdout)


Simple Example

To decode a BER encoded string from a file named input.txt and print it to the console, use:

ber_get_stringb input.txt

Complex Example

To decode a BER encoded string from a file named input.txt, output the decoded string to output.txt, and enable verbose logging, use:

ber_get_stringb -v -o output.txt input.txt

Common Issues

  • Invalid input data: If the input data is not valid BER encoded text, the command will fail. Ensure that the input file contains valid BER data.
  • Insufficient permissions: Verify that you have sufficient permissions to read the input file and write to the output file (if specified).


ber_get_stringb can be combined with other commands for data manipulation tasks. For example, to decode a BER encoded string from a pipe and print it to a file, use:

cat input.txt | ber_get_stringb -o output.txt

Related Commands

  • ber_get_stringa: Decode a BER encoded string as an ASCII string.
  • ber_get_int: Decode a BER encoded integer.
  • ber_get_bool: Decode a BER encoded boolean value.