babeltrace2-sink.text.details - Linux


babeltrace2-sink.text.details is a command-line utility for generating text summaries of the details of a babeltrace2 trace. It provides a detailed tabular view of trace events, with columns for fields such as timestamp, thread ID, CPU ID, event ID, and event parameters.


babeltrace2-sink.text.details [options] <trace-file>


  • -f, –format: Specifies the output format. Valid options are json, csv, and text (default).
  • -s, –sort: Specifies the field to sort the output by. Valid options are timestamp, tid, cpuid, eventid, and parameters.
  • -r, –reverse: Reverses the sort order.
  • -l, –limit: Limits the number of events to print.
  • -h, –help: Prints usage information.


Simple Usage


This command will print a text summary of the details of the trace file


babeltrace2-sink.text.details -s timestamp

This command will print a text summary of the details of the trace file, sorted by timestamp.

Limiting Output

babeltrace2-sink.text.details -l 10

This command will print a text summary of the details of the trace file, limited to the first 10 events.

Common Issues

One common issue is that the output of the command can be very long for large trace files. To avoid this, you can use the -l option to limit the number of events printed.


The babeltrace2-sink.text.details command can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools to perform more advanced tasks. For example, you can use the | operator to pipe the output of the command to another program for further processing.

Related Commands

  • babeltrace2-merge: Merges multiple babeltrace2 trace files into a single file.
  • babeltrace2-filter: Filters a babeltrace2 trace file based on specified criteria.
  • babeltrace2-stats: Generates statistics about a babeltrace2 trace file.