babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer - Linux


babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer is a tool for trimming events from a trace that are outside a specified time range. It can be used to reduce the size of a trace file, or to focus on a specific period of time.


babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer [OPTIONS] INPUT_TRACE OUTPUT_TRACE START_TS END_TS


  • -h, --help prints a help message and exits.
  • --set-timestamps sets the timestamps of the trimmed events to the start or end of the trimmed range, as specified by the --trim-boundary option.
  • --trim-boundary sets the boundary for trimming events. Valid values are start and end. Default: start.
  • --keep-partial-events keeps partial events that overlap with the trimmed range. Default: false.


To trim events from a trace that are between 10 and 20 seconds, use:

babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer -s 10 -e 20 input.trace output.trace

To trim events from a trace that are outside of the range 10-20 seconds, use:

babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer -s 10 -e 20 --trim-boundary end input.trace output.trace

Common Issues

If the output trace is empty, it is possible that the start and end timestamps are reversed.


babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer can be used with other babeltrace2 tools to filter and analyze traces. For example, it can be used with babeltrace2-filter.utils.stats to generate statistics about the trimmed events.

Related Commands

  • babeltrace2-filter.utils.stats
  • babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer
  • babeltrace2-filter.utils.mover