avc_netlink_acquire_fd - Linux


avc_netlink_acquire_fd acquires or reuses an existing file descriptor for accessing the SELinux Supplementary Network Label Kernel (SELinux SNETL Kernel) module.


avc_netlink_acquire_fd(pid, netlink_type, flags)


| Flag | Description |
| NETLINK_SNETL_ACQUIRE | Acquire a new file descriptor. |
| NETLINK_SNETL_REUSE | Reuse an existing file descriptor. |


Acquire a new file descriptor:

fd = avc_netlink_acquire_fd(0, NETLINK_SNETL_ACQUIRE, 0);

Reuse an existing file descriptor:

fd = avc_netlink_acquire_fd(0, NETLINK_SNETL_REUSE, 0);

Common Issues

If the command fails, check the following:

  • Ensure the SELinux SNETL Kernel module is loaded.
  • Verify that the user has the necessary permissions to access the SELinux SNETL Kernel module.
  • Check if there are any conflicting file descriptors.


This command can be used together with other SELinux tools such as audit2allow to perform advanced tasks like policy generation and enforcement.

Related Commands

  • audit2allow – Generates SELinux policies from audit logs.
  • sestatus – Displays the current SELinux settings.
  • semodule – Manages SELinux policies.