avc_get_initial_sid - Linux


The avc_get_initial_sid command in Linux is used to retrieve the Security Identifier (SID) of the initial security context that will be used by the kernel to process the specified subject’s messages. This context is used to determine whether the subject has the necessary permissions to perform a specific action or access a particular resource.


avc_get_initial_sid subject_name


  • subject_name: The name of the subject for which the initial SID is being retrieved.


This command does not support any options or flags.


Example 1: Retrieving the initial SID for a subject

avc_get_initial_sid user1

In this example, the command retrieves the initial SID for the subject named "user1".

Example 2: Using the initial SID in an AVC decision

avc_audit <subject_name> <target_name> <permission_name> <initial_sid>

In this example, the avc_audit command is used to make an AVC decision using the specified subject, target, permission, and initial SID. The result of this command will be logged to the audit log.

Common Issues

Error: Subject not found

This error occurs when the specified subject name does not exist in the SELinux policy database. Ensure that the subject name is spelled correctly and that the subject is defined in the policy.

Error: Permission not defined

This error occurs when the specified permission is not defined in the SELinux policy database. Ensure that the permission name is spelled correctly and that the permission is defined in the policy.


The avc_get_initial_sid command can be combined with other Linux commands and tools to perform advanced security tasks. For example, it can be used with the avc_audit command to make AVC decisions, or with the semanage command to manage the SELinux policy.

Related Commands

  • avc_audit
  • semanage