auparse_timestamp_compare - Linux


auparse_timestamp_compare is a command-line tool for comparing timestamps in the AU (Absolute Unix Time) format. It is primarily used for analyzing and processing timestamps, particularly in scenarios involving log files, audit data, or other time-sensitive information.


auparse_timestamp_compare [OPTIONS] TIMESTAMP1 TIMESTAMP2


  • -h, –help: Display help information and exit.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, providing additional details about the comparison process.
  • –delta: Calculate the delta (difference) between the two timestamps and display the result in seconds.


Simple timestamp comparison:

auparse_timestamp_compare 1667354723 1667354745

Displaying the delta:

auparse_timestamp_compare --delta 1667354723 1667354745

Output: 22 (seconds)

Common Issues

  • Invalid timestamp format: Ensure that both input timestamps are in the correct AU format (milliseconds since the Unix epoch).
  • Timestamp overflow: AU timestamps have a maximum value of 9223372036854775807. If either timestamp exceeds this limit, the comparison may not provide accurate results.


Combine with other tools:

  • grep: Filter log files based on timestamps using auparse_timestamp_compare and grep.
  • awk: Extract and process timestamps from complex data sets using auparse_timestamp_compare and awk.


Use auparse_timestamp_compare within scripts to automate timestamp analysis and processing tasks.

Related Commands

  • date: Display or set the system’s date and time.
  • timestamp: Convert between various timestamp formats.