auparse_set_escape_mode - Linux


auparse_set_escape_mode is used to set the escape mode for an audit parser. Escape mode determines how escape sequences are handled within the parsed input. This command is most commonly used when customizing audit parsing behavior in security-related applications and log analysis tools.


auparse_set_escape_mode(parser, mode)


  • parser: The audit parser object for which to set the escape mode.
  • mode: The escape mode to set. Valid modes include:
    • AUPARSE_ESC_MODE_NONE: No escape sequences are recognized.
    • AUPARSE_ESC_MODE_REGEX: Recognized escape sequences are treated as regular expressions.
    • AUPARSE_ESC_MODE_JSON: Recognized escape sequences are treated as JSON escape sequences.


Example 1: Setting the escape mode to regex

# Include the necessary header file
#include <libauparse.h>


// Create an audit parser object
auparse_parser_t *parser = auparse_parser_new();

// Set the escape mode to regular expressions
auparse_set_escape_mode(parser, AUPARSE_ESC_MODE_REGEX);


Example 2: Disabling escape sequences

// Include the necessary header file
#include <libauparse.h>


// Create an audit parser object
auparse_parser_t *parser = auparse_parser_new();

// Disable escape sequences
auparse_set_escape_mode(parser, AUPARSE_ESC_MODE_NONE);


Common Issues

  • Invalid escape mode: If an invalid escape mode is specified, an error will be raised.
  • Mismatched escape sequences: If escape sequences are used in the input and the escape mode is not set to recognize them, they may cause unexpected behavior in the parsing process.


auparse_set_escape_mode is commonly used in conjunction with other audit parsing functions to customize the parsing process. For example, it can be used in combination with auparse_set_delimiter() to fine-tune the parsing behavior of complex audit logs.

Related Commands

  • auparse_set_delimiter(): Sets the delimiter used to separate fields in the parsed input.
  • auparse_set_field_names(): Sets the names of the fields in the parsed input.
  • auparse_parse_buffer(): Parses a buffer of input data using the specified parser configuration.