auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute - Linux


auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute normalizes subject attributes in an audit record by placing the first attribute in the subject always. This helps in cases where the subject has multiple attributes or roles, and the order is not consistent across audit records.


auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute (-i <input_file>) (-o <output_file>)


  • -i <input_file>: Specify the input file containing audit records in the auditd format.
  • -o <output_file>: Specify the output file where the normalized audit records will be written. If not specified, the output is written to the standard output.


Simple Example:

auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute -i input.audit -o output.normalized

In this example, the input.audit file contains audit records, and the normalized audit records are written to the output.normalized file.

Complex Example:

auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute -i input.audit | grep "type=USER_LOGIN" | auparse_display

This command chain first normalizes the subject attributes in the audit records using auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute, then filters the records to only show USER_LOGIN events using grep, and finally displays the filtered records using auparse_display.

Common Issues

One common issue users may encounter is that the input file may not be in the correct format. Ensure that the input file is in the auditd format before processing.


auparse_normalize_subject_first_attribute can be integrated with other Linux commands for advanced tasks. For example, it can be used with ausearch to search for specific audit events and then normalize the subject attributes of the matching records.

Related Commands

  • auparse: Parses audit records and converts them to various formats.
  • ausearch: Searches for specific audit events in an audit log.
  • ausearch_normalize_subject_first_attribute: Normalizes subject attributes in audit events retrieved using ausearch.

For more information, refer to the official Linux man pages for these commands.