auparse_normalize_session - Linux


auparse_normalize_session is a command-line tool for normalizing session data collected from an audit log. It processes the session data, extracting relevant events and information. The normalized data provides a consistent and structured format for further analysis and reporting.


auparse_normalize_session [options] <audit log file>


  • -o, –output-file: Specify the output file path for the normalized session data.
  • -e, –events: Filter the session data based on event type(s). Comma-separated list of event types (e.g., "login,logout").
  • -s, –session-key: Set the unique key to identify sessions. (Default: "session_id")
  • -t, –time-range: Filter the session data within a specific time range. Format: "start_timestamp:end_timestamp" (e.g., "2023-03-08T00:00:00:000Z:2023-03-15T23:59:59:999Z").


Example 1: Normalize all sessions from an audit log:

auparse_normalize_session my_audit.log -o normalized_sessions.json

Example 2: Filter sessions by event types and time range:

auparse_normalize_session my_audit.log -o sessions.csv -e "login,sudo,logout" -t "2023-03-10T00:00:00:000Z:2023-03-12T23:59:59:999Z"

Common Issues

  • Missing session data: Ensure that the audit log file contains session-related events.
  • Invalid time range format: Verify that the time range is specified in the correct format.
  • No output file created: Check if the specified output file path has write permissions.


auparse_normalize_session output can be integrated with various tools for analysis and reporting:

  • Log analysis tools: Import the normalized data into log analysis tools for pattern recognition and security monitoring.
  • Visualization tools: Use the data for creating visualizations to identify trends and patterns in user behavior.
  • Reporting systems: Generate reports that provide insights into system usage, security incidents, and compliance.

Related Commands

  • ausearch: Searches audit logs for specific events based on various criteria.
  • ausecure: Provides a syntax checker for audit configuration files.
  • auditd: Controls the Linux Auditing System and manages the collection of audit events.