auparse_normalize_object_primary2 - Linux


auparse_normalize_object_primary2 parses and normalizes data from an object stream, applying a set of rules to ensure consistency and predictable output. It is designed to handle complex data structures and transform them into a standard format.


auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -i <input_file> -o <output_file> [options]


  • -i, –input <input_file>: Path to the input file containing the raw data.
  • -o, –output <output_file>: Path to the output file to store the normalized data.
  • -r, –rules <rule_file>: Path to the rules file defining the normalization rules.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, displaying detailed information during processing.


Simple normalization:

auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -i input.txt -o output.txt -r rules.xml

Normalization with verbose output:

auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -i input.json -o output.json -r rules.yaml -v

Normalization with custom rules:

auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -i input.xml -o output.xml -r my_rules.xml

Common Issues

  • Invalid input data: Ensure the input file contains valid data and conforms to the expected format.
  • Missing rules file: Specify a valid rules file that defines the normalization rules.
  • Inconsistent rules: Review the rules file to avoid ambiguous or conflicting rules.


Chaining with other tools:

cat input.csv | auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -r rules.txt | sort -k1,1

Extending with custom scripts:

auparse_normalize_object_primary2 -i input.txt -o output.txt -r rules.xml

Related Commands

  • auparse_normalize_object_primary: Similar command for primary normalization.
  • augenerate_rules: Generates normalization rules based on sample data.
  • auvalidate_rules: Validates a set of normalization rules for correctness.