auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute - Linux


auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute is a command-line tool that iterates through attributes of a normalized object. It is used to extract specific attributes from complex data structures.


auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute <input_json> [options]


  • -a, –attribute-name=ATTRIBUTE_NAME: Specify the desired attribute name.
  • -c, –count: Print the number of occurrences of the specified attribute.
  • -d, –delimiter=DELIMITER: Specify the delimiter to use when printing multiple values. Default is comma (,).
  • -f, –format: Specify the output format. Options are json and plain. Default is json.
  • -i, –input-format: Specify the input format. Options are json, yaml, and xml. Default is json.


To iterate through all attributes of a normalized object:

auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute sample.json

To print specific attribute names:

auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute -a "name" sample.json

To print the number of occurrences:

auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute -a "name" -c sample.json

To change the output delimiter:

auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute -a "name" -d ":" sample.json

Common Issues

Incorrect input format: Ensure the input file matches the specified --input-format option.

Non-existent attribute: Verify that the specified --attribute-name exists in the normalized object.


auparse_normalize_object_next_attribute can be used in conjunction with other tools for data extraction and analysis:

  • jq: Filter and transform the output using jq filters.
  • awk: Cut and process the output into specific fields.

Related Commands

  • auparse_normalize_object: Normalize JSON or YAML data into a structured object.
  • grep: Search for specific patterns in the output.
  • jsonpath: Extract data from JSON documents.