auparse_normalize_get_results - Linux


The auparse_normalize_get_results command is a powerful tool for normalizing and extracting structured data from various event and audit data sources. It plays a vital role in security incident analysis, log management, and compliance reporting.


auparse_normalize_get_results [options] [data file(s)]


| Option | Description |
| -c, --config | Path to the normalization configuration file (required) |
| -e, --event-type | Event type to normalize (optional) |
| -o, --output | Output format (json, csv, ndjson) |
| -v, --verbose | Print verbose output |
| -d, --debug | Print debug output |


  1. Normalize events from a log file using a configuration file:
auparse_normalize_get_results -c config.yaml example.log
  1. Extract normalized data for specific event types:
auparse_normalize_get_results -c config.yaml -e login,logout example.log
  1. Generate normalized data in CSV format:
auparse_normalize_get_results -c config.yaml example.log -o csv

Common Issues

  • Ensure the config file is valid and refers to the correct fields.
  • Check for errors or missing fields in the input data.
  • Verify that the event type specified matches the events in the input data.


auparse_normalize_get_results can be combined with other commands for advanced tasks, such as:

  • Log aggregation: Combine with log collection tools to centralize and normalize logs.
  • Security analytics: Filter and analyze normalized events using security monitoring tools.
  • Compliance reporting: Generate audit-ready data for compliance reporting and forensics.

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