auparse_normalize_functions - Linux


auparse_normalize_functions is a Linux command that normalizes a set of function names to a canonical format. It is primarily used to standardize function names in ELF files for analysis and comparison purposes.


auparse_normalize_functions [options] <ELF file>


  • -o, –output : Output the normalized function names to a file. Default: stdout
  • -s, –show-mapping: Display a mapping between original and normalized function names to stdout
  • -f, –force: Overwrite output file if it exists


Simple usage:

auparse_normalize_functions my_binary.elf

Output to a file:

auparse_normalize_functions -o normalized_functions.txt my_binary.elf

Display mapping:

auparse_normalize_functions -s my_binary.elf

Common Issues

  • Duplicate function names: If multiple functions in the input ELF file have the same original name, the normalized name will be appended with a number to differentiate them.
  • Unsupported functions: The command may not recognize or normalize all types of function names, such as dynamically generated functions or functions with unconventional naming conventions.


Combining with objdump:

objdump -d my_binary.elf | auparse_normalize_functions -

Using in scripts:

for file in *.elf; do
  normalized_functions=$(auparse_normalize_functions -o /dev/null $file)
  echo "Normalized functions for $file:"
  echo "$normalized_functions"

Related Commands

  • readelf: Display information about ELF files
  • objdump: Display assembly code and other information from ELF files
  • nm: List symbols in ELF files