auparse_normalize - Linux


auparse_normalize is a powerful tool for parsing and normalizing audit records. It provides a consistent and structured format for audit records, making them easier to analyze and compare. This tool is widely used in forensic analysis, security auditing, and compliance reporting.


auparse_normalize [options] [input_file] [output_file]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -f, –format | Output format (json, xml, csv, etc.) | json |
| -s, –search | Search criteria for specific records | None |
| -l, –limit | Limit the number of records returned | None |
| -o, –output | Output file path | stdout |
| -h, –help | Display help message | None |


Example 1: Parse and normalize audit records in CSV format

auparse_normalize -f csv /var/log/audit.log output.csv

Example 2: Search for failed login attempts and normalize the output in JSON format

auparse_normalize -f json /var/log/audit.log -s "result=failure AND event_type=login"

Example 3: Limit the number of records returned and output to XML format

auparse_normalize -f xml -l 100 /var/log/audit.log output.xml

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the input file is in a valid audit log format.
  • Verify that the output format is supported by the command.
  • Use the -h, –help option to display a list of available options and flags.


auparse_normalize can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools for advanced tasks:

  • grep to filter specific records based on keywords
  • sed to perform text transformations on the output
  • awk to extract specific fields from the normalized records

Related Commands

  • ausearch
  • augrep
  • auditctl