auparse_new_buffer - Linux


auparse_new_buffer is a command-line utility used to process and parse audio data. It provides powerful features for creating and managing audio buffers, which can be extremely useful for audio analysis, streaming, and manipulation in Linux environments.


auparse_new_buffer [OPTIONS] <input_audio_file> <output_buffer_file>
  • <input_audio_file>: Path to the input audio file to be processed
  • <output_buffer_file>: Path to the output file where the audio buffer will be saved


  • -f, –format: Specify the output buffer format. Supported formats include raw, wave, and aiff. Defaults to raw.
  • -s, –sample-rate: Set the output sample rate. Defaults to the input audio file’s sample rate.
  • -b, –bit-depth: Specify the output audio bit depth. Options include 8, 16, and 24. Defaults to 16.
  • -c, –channels: Set the number of output audio channels. Defaults to the input audio file’s number of channels.
  • -d, –duration: Set the duration (in seconds) of the output audio buffer. Defaults to the entire duration of the input audio file.
  • -h, –help: Display help information about the command.


Create a 10-second raw audio buffer from an MP3 file at 44.1 kHz and 16-bit depth:

auparse_new_buffer -f raw -s 44100 -b 16 -d 10 input.mp3 output.raw

Convert a WAV file to an AIFF buffer with 24-bit depth and 2 channels:

auparse_new_buffer -f aiff -b 24 -c 2 input.wav output.aiff

Common Issues

  • Input audio file not found: Ensure that the provided input file exists and is accessible.
  • Output buffer file already exists: Use a different output file path if the specified file already exists.
  • Invalid sample rate, bit depth, or channels: Make sure that the specified values for sample rate, bit depth, and channels are valid and supported.


auparse_new_buffer can be combined with other Linux commands for advanced audio processing tasks:

  • Pipe the output buffer to another audio tool:
auparse_new_buffer -f raw input.wav | aplay
  • Create a script to process multiple audio files:

for file in *.wav; do
  auparse_new_buffer -f raw $file $output_file

Related Commands

  • aplay: Play audio files
  • arecord: Record audio
  • sox: Perform various audio processing operations