auparse_interpret_sock_port - Linux


auparse_interpret_sock_port is a Linux command that interprets and extracts port information from various input formats. It’s primarily used in security analysis and event processing to identify listening services, open sockets, and network connectivity details.


auparse_interpret_sock_port [-h] [-v] [-r] [-n] [-6] [-a] [-p] [-s] [-t timeout] [-T threshold] [--watch interval] [--filter filter] [--output form] [--] file [file ...]


  • -h, –help: Display usage instructions.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -r, –recursive: Recursively process nested files.
  • -n, –no-headers: Suppress header lines in output.
  • -6, –ipv6: Enable IPv6 parsing.
  • -a, –all: Extract all ports, including reserved ports.
  • -p, –port-only: Extract only the port number without any other details.
  • -s, –strip: Strip extra characters from port numbers (e.g., remove spaces).
  • -t, –timeout: Set a timeout for remote host connections (in seconds). (Default: 1)
  • -T, –threshold: Specify the minimum number of times a port must appear to be considered active. (Default: 1)
  • –watch, –live: Monitor files for changes and interpret ports dynamically.
  • –filter filter: Apply a filter to select specific ports.
  • –output form: Specify the output format (text, csv, json). (Default: text)
  • : Indicate the end of options; any following arguments are treated as file paths.


  • Extract ports from a single file:
auparse_interpret_sock_port file.log
  • Extract ports recursively from nested directories:
auparse_interpret_sock_port -r /var/log
  • Extract all ports, including reserved ones:
auparse_interpret_sock_port -a file.log
  • Extract port numbers only, without headers:
auparse_interpret_sock_port -n -p file.log
  • Monitor a file for live port changes:
auparse_interpret_sock_port --watch file.log
  • Filter ports based on a regular expression:
auparse_interpret_sock_port --filter "80|443" file.log
  • Output ports in CSV format:
auparse_interpret_sock_port --output csv file.log

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the input files have the correct permissions and are not corrupted.
  • If ports are consistently being detected as active when they are not, adjust the --threshold value.
  • When monitoring files in real-time, consider using a higher --interval value to reduce CPU usage.


auparse_interpret_sock_port can be integrated with other commands and tools for advanced analysis:

  • grep: Query output for specific ports or patterns.
  • awk: Manipulate and process extracted port lists.
  • sed: Perform text-based transformations on port numbers.
  • socat: Establish connections to interpreted ports for further analysis.

Related Commands

  • ss: Display open sockets and listening ports.
  • netstat: Provide detailed network statistics.
  • nmap: Perform network scanning and port discovery.