auparse_goto_field_num - Linux


auparse_goto_field_num is a Linux command that parses AU data and moves the cursor to the specified field number. It is commonly used in conjunction with other AU-related commands to extract specific data from AU files.


auparse_goto_field_num (-h) (-p) [-E ENCODING] [-n NUM] [-c] DATASET FIELD_NUM


  • -h, --help: Display a brief help message and exit.
  • -p, --print: Print the specified field after moving the cursor.
  • -E ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING: Specify the encoding of the AU data, such as ‘utf-8’. Defaults to ‘utf-8’.
  • -n NUM, --number NUM: Specify the number of lines to skip before moving the cursor. Useful when parsing data from multiple lines.
  • -c, --count: Count the number of fields in the specified line.


  • Get the value of the third field in the first line:
auparse_goto_field_num dataset 3
  • Print the value of the fifth field in the second line with custom encoding:
auparse_goto_field_num -E utf-16 dataset 2 5
  • Count the number of fields in the sixth line:
auparse_goto_field_num -c dataset 6

Common Issues

  • Make sure to provide valid DATASET and FIELD_NUM arguments. Invalid input may result in errors or unexpected behavior.
  • If the encoding is not specified, it defaults to ‘utf-8’, which may not be appropriate for all AU files. Ensure that the correct encoding is used to avoid data corruption.


auparse_goto_field_num can be integrated into scripts to automate the extraction and manipulation of AU data. It can be combined with other AU-related commands, such as auparse_dump and auparse_filter, to create powerful data processing pipelines.

Related Commands

  • auparse_dump: Dump the entire AU dataset to STDOUT.
  • auparse_filter: Filter the AU dataset based on specific criteria.
  • augparse: A comprehensive AU parsing and manipulation toolkit with additional features and capabilities.