auparse_get_type - Linux


auparse_get_type is a high-performance domain socket server that efficiently parses Google AU Parse files in real-time. It enables users to process and extract valuable information from AU Parse file data streams seamlessly and reliably.


auparse_get_type [options]


  • -i, –input-file: Path to the input AU Parse file. If not specified, input will be read from STDIN.
  • -o, –output-file: Path to write the output type information. If not specified, output will be written to STDOUT.
  • -p, –port: Port number on which the server listens for client connections (default: 8888).
  • -c, –max-connections: Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow (default: 10).
  • -t, –thread-count: Number of worker threads to use for parsing (default: 1).
  • -h, –help: Display this help message and exit.


Simple Usage:

Parse an AU Parse file and output the type information:

auparse_get_type -i input.aup > output.txt

Server Mode:

Run the server and listen for client connections:

auparse_get_type -p 9000

Client Usage:

Connect to the server and parse an AU Parse file:

echo "path/to/input.aup" | nc localhost 9000

Common Issues

  • Connection Refused: Ensure that the server is running on the specified port and that there is no firewall blocking the connection.
  • Malformed AU Parse File: Check that the input file is a valid AU Parse file and does not contain any errors.
  • Performance Issues: If experiencing slow parsing times, try increasing the number of worker threads using the -t flag.


AU Parse Data Processing Pipeline:

cat input.aup | auparse_get_type | process_data | store_results

Related Commands

  • auparse: Parses AU Parse files into a JSON format.
  • auparse_convert: Converts AU Parse files to other formats like CSV or TSV.