auparse_get_field_num - Linux


The auparse_get_field_num command is a utility used to extract the index of a specified field within an audit record. It enables administrators and security analysts to parse audit data efficiently and retrieve specific field values.


auparse_get_field_num [OPTION...] <key>


  • -f, –file : Specify the audit file to be parsed. Defaults to /var/log/audit/audit.log.
  • -e, –encoding : Specify the encoding of the audit file. Defaults to UTF-8.
  • -h, –help: Display help information.


Example 1: Get the index of the type field:

$ auparse_get_field_num type

Example 2: Get the index of the msg field in audit.log:

$ auparse_get_field_num -f audit.log msg

Example 3: Get the index of the exe field using grep and sed:

$ grep -E ^type=SYSCALL /var/log/audit/audit.log | sed -n 's/^.*exe=\(.*\)/\1/p'

Common Issues

  • If the audit file is empty or non-existent, the command will return an error.
  • Ensure the specified field name is valid. Invalid field names will result in an error.


  • Can be used with other commands like grep and sed to extract specific field values from audit data.
  • Can be integrated into scripts or cron jobs for automated audit data analysis.

Related Commands

  • aureport: Generates audit reports based on specified criteria.
  • ausearch: Searches audit logs for specific events.
  • auditctl: Configures audit settings and rules.