auparse_find_field_next - Linux


The auparse_find_field_next command searches for the next occurrence of a specified field in an audit record. It is a powerful tool for parsing and extracting specific information from audit trails.


auparse_find_field_next <record> <fieldname>


  • record: The audit record to search.
  • fieldname: The name of the field to search for.


  • -s, –skip: Skip the specified number of occurrences before starting the search.
  • -c, –count: Limit the search to the specified number of occurrences.
  • -o, –offset: Start the search at the specified offset within the record.


Simple Search

To find the first occurrence of the "user" field in an audit record:

auparse_find_field_next "record" "user"

Searching with Options

To skip the first occurrence of the "user" field and find the second:

auparse_find_field_next -s 1 "record" "user"

Limiting the Search

To find only the first two occurrences of the "user" field:

auparse_find_field_next -c 2 "record" "user"

Common Issues

  • No results: If the field is not found, the command will return an empty string.
  • Multiple matches: If multiple occurrences of the field are found, the command will return the first occurrence by default. Use the -s and -c options to control which occurrence is returned.


The auparse_find_field_next command can be integrated with other Linux commands to perform complex tasks. For example, it can be used with awk to extract specific fields from multiple records:

find /var/log/audit | xargs -n 1 auparse_find_field_next -s 1 "user" | awk '{print $1}'

Related Commands

  • auparse_find_field: Find the first occurrence of a field in an audit record.
  • auparse_get_field: Extract the value of a field from an audit record.
  • aureport: A tool for reporting on audit data.