audit_name_to_fstype - Linux
audit_name_to_fstype is a Linux command used to determine the file system type associated with a given audit filesystem mountpoint. It plays a crucial role in handling file system events in audit logs, ensuring the accurate categorization and analysis of security-related activities.
audit_name_to_fstype mountpoint
This command has no options or flags.
Simple example:
audit_name_to_fstype /
Obtaining file system type of a specific mountpoint:
audit_name_to_fstype /tmp/new_mount
Common Issues
Invalid mountpoint:
If the specified mountpoint does not exist or is not recognized, audit_name_to_fstype will return an error. Verify the existence and validity of the mountpoint before using this command.
Combining with findmnt
findmnt -n / | while read mountpoint; do audit_name_to_fstype $mountpoint; done
This command chain iteratively queries the file system type of all mounted file systems under /
Related Commands
- auditctl: Configures and manages audit rules.
- ausearch: Searches audit logs.
- audita2allow: Converts audit rules into SELinux policy.