audit_log_semanage_message - Linux


The audit_log_semanage_message command is a powerful tool in Linux that allows administrators to filter and view SELinux-related messages from the audit logs. It provides fine-grained control over the selection criteria, making it essential for inspecting specific security events, analyzing system behavior, and troubleshooting configuration issues related to SELinux.


audit_log_semanage_message [options] [message-filter-expression]


  • -a, –all: Print all SELinux-related messages.
  • -b, –body: Print the body of the message.
  • -c, –count: Count the number of matching messages.
  • -d, –date: Filter by date and time.
  • -f, –file : Read audit records from a specified file instead of the system log.
  • -i, –info: Print additional information, including the type and ID of the message.
  • -j, –json: Output results in JSON format.
  • -l, –limit : Limit the number of displayed messages.
  • -s, –sort : Sort output by a specified field (date, time, type, id).


Simple Filtering:

audit_log_semanage_message -d today

This filters messages from today’s audit log.

Complex Filtering:

audit_log_semanage_message type= AVC -d yesterday

This filters for AVC-type messages from yesterday’s audit log.

Counting Messages:

audit_log_semanage_message -c -d last-week

This counts the number of SELinux-related messages from the past week.

Common Issues

  • No messages found: Check the date and time filter and ensure it matches the expected events.
  • Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient privileges to access the audit logs.
  • Invalid filter expression: Double-check the syntax and ensure the expression conforms to the specified format.


The audit_log_semanage_message command can be integrated with other tools for advanced tasks:

  • Use grep to filter output based on specific patterns.
  • Pass results to awk for further processing and analysis.
  • Combine with sed to extract specific fields from messages.

Related Commands

  • auditctl: Manage audit rules and policies.
  • ausearch: Search audit logs for specific events.
  • audit2allow: Convert audit messages into SELinux policy rules.