audit_getloginuid - Linux


audit_getloginuid is a powerful Linux command that provides the login user ID (UID) of the user who initiated an auditable event. It’s essential for comprehensive audit logging and forensic investigations within the Linux environment.


audit_getloginuid [OPTIONS]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -a | Output newlines after each UID | no |
| -c | Only output UIDs that are unique | no |
| -F file | Read UIDs from file | stdin |
| -t | Print the time at which each UID was recorded | no |
| -T fmt | Use the specified timestamp format | ——– |
| -V | Print version information and exit | no |
| -h | Print help information and exit | no |


1. Output all UIDs


2. Output unique UIDs only

audit_getloginuid -c

3. Output UIDs with timestamps

audit_getloginuid -t

4. Output UIDs from a file

audit_getloginuid -F /path/to/file.txt

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the audit daemon is running before using audit_getloginuid.
  • Verify that the file specified with -F exists and has read permissions.
  • Correctly format timestamps when using -T. Refer to strptime(3) for details.


audit_getloginuid can be integrated with other Linux commands for advanced analysis:

audit_getloginuid | grep <pattern>
audit_getloginuid | sort | uniq

Related Commands

  • auditd – The Linux Auditing System daemon
  • ausearch – Search for audit records