audit_detect_machine - Linux


audit_detect_machine is a tool included in the Linux Audit Framework that helps detect the make and model of the local machine. It gathers information from various hardware components, such as the CPU, BIOS, and motherboard, to determine the machine’s identity. This information is commonly used for vulnerability assessment, hardware inventory, and ensuring software compatibility in enterprise environments.


audit_detect_machine [options]


  • -m, –machine-type: Print the detected machine type.
  • -s, –short: Print a short version of the output, only showing the machine type.
  • -v, –verbose: Print detailed information about the hardware components used to detect the machine type.
  • -a, –all: Print all information available from the hardware components.
  • -j, –json: Output the detected machine information in JSON format.


Simple usage to print the machine type:


Print verbose information about the hardware components:

audit_detect_machine -v

Output machine information in JSON format:

audit_detect_machine -j

Common Issues

  • Permission denied errors: Ensure that the user running the command has sufficient privileges (root or sudo) to access hardware information.
  • No hardware information available: Some machines may not have complete hardware information readily available, which can result in a limited report.
  • Inaccurate results: The accuracy of the detected machine type depends on the availability and reliability of hardware information. Consider using multiple detection methods to improve accuracy.


audit_detect_machine can be combined with other Linux commands for advanced tasks:

  • Create a hardware inventory script: Use audit_detect_machine with awk to parse the output and create a comprehensive hardware inventory report.
  • Check software compatibility: Combine audit_detect_machine with a software compatibility database to verify compatibility before deploying new applications.
  • Automated vulnerability assessment: Integrate audit_detect_machine into vulnerability scanners to gather hardware information for vulnerability prioritization.

Related Commands

  • lshw – Lists hardware information in a tree-like format.
  • hwinfo – Provides detailed hardware information, including diagnostic capabilities.
  • dmidecode – Decodes and displays information from the DMI (Desktop Management Interface) table in a system’s firmware.