audispd-zos-remote - Linux


audispd-zos-remote is a monitoring tool that allows monitoring of z/OS Systems via IBM Z Operational Insights (ZOI).


audispd-zos-remote <flags>


| Flag | Description | Default |
| --address | ZOI Event Collector IP address or hostname | localhost |
| --port | ZOI Event Collector port | 9443 |
| --ssl | Use SSL for communication with ZOI | true |
| --verify-ssl | Verify the SSL certificate of the ZOI Event Collector | true |
| --auth | Authentication token for the ZOI Event Collector | "" |
| --domain | Domain ID for the monitored z/OS system | null |
| --interval | Sample interval in seconds | 2 |
| --help | Display this help message | false |


Simple monitoring of a z/OS system:

audispd-zos-remote --domain zos1

Monitoring with SSL and custom interval:

audispd-zos-remote --ssl --verify-ssl --interval 5

Common Issues

  • Authentication failed: Ensure the provided authentication token is valid.
  • Connection refused: Check if the ZOI Event Collector is running and accessible on the specified address and port.


Using with Prometheus:

audispd-zos-remote | prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml

Related Commands