attrset - Linux


attrset is a command used to modify file attributes in Linux systems. It offers a user-friendly interface to set or change file attributes, providing a more convenient alternative to using the chattr command.


attrset [options] <attribute> <file/directory>...


  • -V, –version: Display the version information and exit.
  • -h, –help: Print usage information and exit.
  • –preserve-links: Preserve hard links to the file or directory.
  • –recursive: Recursively set attributes on the specified directories.
  • -i, –interactive: Prompt for confirmation before making changes.
  • -f, –force: Do not prompt for confirmation and overwrite existing attributes without warning.


Set immutable attribute on a file:

attrset -i +i myfile.txt

Recursively set append-only attribute on a directory and its contents:

attrset -r -i +a /path/to/directory

Clear the norecovery attribute on a USB drive:

attrset -f -i -n /dev/sdc1

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient permissions to modify the file or directory attributes.
  • Invalid attribute: Check the spelling of the attribute you are attempting to set.
  • File system doesn’t support extended attributes: Some file systems may not support extended attributes.


attrset can be combined with other commands for advanced tasks:

  • Find files with specific attributes: find /path -exec attrset --list {} \;
  • Back up files with extended attributes: tar -cpvzf backup.tar.gz -A /path/to/directory

Related Commands

  • chattr: Command-line interface for setting and changing file attributes.
  • getfattr: Display file attributes.
  • setfattr: Set file attributes.