attr_listf - Linux


attr_listf lists file attributes. It is commonly used to display extended attributes stored in the file system.


attr_listf [options] <file|directory>


  • -h, –help: Display the help message and exit.
  • -l, –logical: List logical attributes instead of extended attributes.
  • -n, –namespace: Specify the namespace of the attributes to list.
  • -a, –all: List all attributes, including hidden and inherited attributes.
  • -d, –detail: Display detailed information about each attribute, including its type, size, and flags.
  • -s, –sort: Sort the attributes by name.


List extended attributes for a file:

attr_listf -e /path/to/file

List logical attributes for a directory:

attr_listf -l /path/to/directory

List all attributes, including hidden and inherited attributes:

attr_listf -a /path/to/file

Display detailed information about each attribute:

attr_listf -d /path/to/file

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure that you have read permissions for the specified file or directory.
  • No extended attributes found: The file system may not support extended attributes.
  • Invalid namespace: The specified namespace is not valid. Use lsattr -n to list available namespaces.


  • lsattr: Display file attributes in a more human-readable format.
  • setfattr: Set file attributes.
  • getfattr: Get the value of a specific attribute.

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