atanhl - Linux


atanhl calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given number. It is commonly used in mathematical calculations and applications involving hyperbolic functions.


atanhl <number>




Example 1: Finding the inverse hyperbolic tangent of 0.5

$ atanh 0.5

Example 2: Calculating the inverse hyperbolic tangent of -0.25

$ atanh -0.25

Common Issues

  • Invalid input: If the provided number is not a valid real number, an error will be displayed.
  • Domain error: The inverse hyperbolic tangent is only defined for numbers between -1 and 1. Attempting to calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number outside this range will result in an error.


atanhl can be combined with other mathematical commands and tools to perform complex calculations and solve problems involving hyperbolic functions. For example, it can be used with asinh and acosh to solve systems of nonlinear equations.

Related Commands

  • sinh: Calculate the hyperbolic sine of a number
  • cosh: Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a number
  • asinh: Calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
  • acosh: Calculate the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number