assume_default_colors - Linux


The assume_default_colors command sets the default colors to use for terminal output. This is useful when you want to ensure that your output is displayed in the same way across different terminals.


assume_default_colors [-l] [-d] [<color>]


  • -l: List the available colors.

  • -d: Disable the default colors.

  • <color>: The color to set as the default. This can be any of the following:

    • black
    • red
    • green
    • yellow
    • blue
    • magenta
    • cyan
    • white


To set the default color to red, use the following command:

assume_default_colors red

To list the available colors, use the following command:

assume_default_colors -l

Common Issues

One common issue with the assume_default_colors command is that it does not always work with all terminals. This is because some terminals do not support the tput command, which is used by assume_default_colors to set the default colors.


The assume_default_colors command can be used with other Linux commands to control the appearance of terminal output. For example, you can use the following command to set the default color to red and then use the echo command to print a message in red:

assume_default_colors red
echo "This is a message in red."

Related Commands

  • tput: Used by assume_default_colors to set the default colors.
  • setterm: Used to set the terminal’s settings.