argz_create_sep - Linux


argz_create_sep generates an ARGZ data structure from a set of strings, with a specified separator. ARGZ structures are commonly used in the Linux kernel and other tools to pass data in a format that is easy to parse and process.


argz_create_sep(char **strv, char separator, char **argz)




Simple usage:

# Generate an ARGZ structure from the string array strv
char *strv[] = {"str1", "str2", "str3"};
char *argz;
argz_create_sep(strv, ':', &argz);

# Print the generated ARGZ structure
printf("%s\n", argz);

Complex usage with an offset and terminator:

# Define an offset and terminator for the ARGZ structure
size_t offset = 16;
char terminator = '\0';

# Generate an ARGZ structure with the offset and terminator
argz_create_sep(strv, ',', &argz, offset, terminator);

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the strv array is properly terminated with a NULL pointer.
  • Specify an appropriate separator that will not conflict with any of the strings in the array.
  • Allocate enough memory for the argz buffer to hold the generated ARGZ structure.


The generated ARGZ structure can be used with functions like argz_next and argz_count to iterate over and count the strings in the structure.

Related Commands

  • argz_append
  • argz_create
  • argz_stringify