acl_size - Linux


acl_size examines extended attribute (ACL) size limits, by specifying the size of ACLs that the setfacl command can set on the specified file system.


acl_size [-qv] <MOUNT_POINT>


  • -q: Quiet mode; do not display the calculated ACL size.
  • -v: Verbose mode; display all intermediate results.


Display the current ACL size limit for the mounted file system:

acl_size /mnt/my_volume

Display the calculated ACL size limit for the mounted file system:

acl_size -v /mnt/my_volume

Common Issues

  • Error: ‘Operation not permitted’: Ensure you have sufficient permissions to examine the ACL size limit.
  • Error: ‘File system not mounted’: Verify that the specified file system is mounted.


  • Use getfacl to retrieve the ACLs for a file or directory.
  • Use setfacl to set ACLs on a file or directory.

Related Commands

  • getfacl
  • setfacl
  • chattr
  • restorecon