acl_get_permset - Linux


The acl_get_permset command is a versatile tool for retrieving and manipulating Access Control Lists (ACLs) for files and directories. It provides comprehensive options for retrieving specific ACL entries based on various criteria, making it invaluable for managing file permissions in complex environments.


acl_get_permset [OPTIONS] ACL-FILE TARGETS

Required Arguments

  • ACL-FILE: Path to the ACL file where the ACL entries are stored.
  • TARGETS: One or more paths to files or directories for which the ACL entries will be retrieved.


  • -d, –default: Retrieve the default ACL entries for the targets.
  • -p, –perms: Specify the permission(s) to retrieve, e.g., r, w, x. Multiple permissions can be combined, e.g., rw.
  • -q, –query: Specify a query to filter the retrieved ACL entries, e.g., user:alice, group:developers.
  • -s, –set-acl: Set the ACL entries instead of retrieving them.
  • -v, –verbose: Output additional information about the retrieved ACL entries.


Retrieve default ACL entries

acl_get_permset /etc/my_acl_file /home/my_user /my_file.txt

Retrieve read and write permissions for a specific user

acl_get_permset -d -p rw /etc/my_acl_file /home/my_user /my_file.txt

Query ACL entries for a specific group

acl_get_permset -q group:developers /etc/my_acl_file /home/

Set ACL entries for a file

acl_get_permset -s /etc/my_acl_file /my_file.txt user::rw group::r

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the specified ACL file exists and is accessible.
  • Verify that the specified permissions or query expression are correct.
  • Check for conflicting ACL entries that may override the retrieved permissions.


acl_get_permset can be integrated into scripts or command chains to automate ACL management tasks, such as:

  • Checking file permissions before performing operations on sensitive data.
  • Creating custom ACLs based on predefined criteria.

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