acl_extended_file - Linux


acl_extended_file is a Linux command used to manage extended access control lists (ACLs) associated with a particular file. ACLs provide granular control over who can access a file and what operations they can perform. This command allows for the manipulation of both user and group-based ACLs.


acl_extended_file [-n] [-q] [-d] [-c] [-s] [-t] [-w] [-v] [-h] [--help] [--version] <file>


  • -n, –no-access
    Hide access ACL entries.
  • -q, –quiet
    Suppress all warnings.
  • -d, –default
    Show the default ACL entries.
  • -c, –canonical
    Show the canonical ACL entries.
  • -s, –stats
    Show statistics about the ACLs.
  • -t, –text
    Show the ACLs in text format.
  • -w, –write
    Write the ACLs back to the file.
  • -v, –verbose
    Enable verbose mode.
  • -h, –help
    Display help information.
  • –version
    Display version information.


Display the ACLs for a file:

acl_extended_file myfile

Add an entry to the ACL:

acl_extended_file -w myfile -a user:alice:rwx

Remove an entry from the ACL:

acl_extended_file -w myfile -d user:bob

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure the user has sufficient permissions to modify the ACLs.
  • Invalid ACL format: Verify that the ACLs are specified in the correct format.
  • File not found: Check that the specified file exists.


acl_extended_file can be used in conjunction with other commands, such as chmod and chown, to manage file permissions. For example:

chmod -R 744 mydir
acl_extended_file -R -w mydir -a group:mygroup:r

This command chain sets the permissions on the directory mydir and its subdirectories to 744 and adds read permissions for the group mygroup to all files within mydir.

Related Commands

  • chmod: Change file permissions.
  • chown: Change file ownership.
  • getfacl: Get file ACLs.
  • setfacl: Set file ACLs.