acl_delete_perm - Linux


acl_delete_perm removes access control list (ACL) permissions from files or directories. It modifies ACLs, which manage granular access rights for users or groups.


acl_delete_perm [-f] [-Z] [-d] [-a] ACL_SPEC FILE_OR_DIR


  • -f, --force: Suppress error messages; delete permissions even if they are valid
  • -Z, --context context: Apply ACL changes to a specific SELinux context
  • -d, --default: Delete default ACL entry
  • -a, --acl: Take ACL_SPEC as a standard textual representation


Delete read permission for "user" on "myfile":

acl_delete_perm -d user myfile

Delete all permissions for "group" on "mydirectory":

acl_delete_perm -d -a ":group:mygroup:" mydirectory

Delete all permissions for "other" and "mask" entries on "file.txt":

acl_delete_perm -a "-:other:rwx" -a "-:mask:rwx" file.txt

Common Issues

  • Ensure you have sufficient permissions to modify ACLs.
  • Invalid or malformed ACL_SPECs may result in errors. Use -a to specify ACLs as text.


acl_delete_perm can be integrated with other ACL-related commands, such as getfacl and setfacl.

Related Commands

  • getfacl: Retrieves ACLs for files or directories
  • setfacl: Sets or modifies ACLs
  • restorecon: Resets SELinux file contexts