acl_clear_perms - Linux


acl_clear_perms is a powerful command-line tool designed to remove or restrict specified permissions for files, directories, and symbolic links in Linux systems. It provides granular control over access rights, allowing users to fine-tune permissions for various entities such as users, groups, and others.


acl_clear_perms [-v] [-R] [-dacl [type]] [-acl [type]] <object1> [object2] ...


  • -v: Verbose mode, provides detailed output during execution.
  • -R: Recursive mode, applies changes to all subdirectories within the specified object.
  • -dacl [type] or -acl [type] (default: user): Specifies the Access Control List (ACL) type to modify. Supported types include "user", "group", "mask", or "other".


-dacl [type]: Removes or restricts permissions specified by the ACL of the given type.
-acl [type]: Adds or restricts permissions specified by the ACL of the given type.


Simple Usage:

acl_clear_perms -v myfile.txt

This command removes all permissions from the file myfile.txt and displays verbose output.

Recursive Mode:

acl_clear_perms -R /home/user

This command removes all permissions from the directory /home/user and all its subdirectories.

Specifying ACL Type:

acl_clear_perms -acl group my_image.png

This command removes all group permissions from the file my_image.png.

Common Issues

  • Ensure that you have sufficient privileges (root or administrative access) to modify permissions.
  • If ACLs are not properly configured, they can override default permissions, so always double-check your settings.


Integrating with find:

find . -type f -exec acl_clear_perms {} \;

This command removes all file permissions from all files in the current directory.

Related Commands

  • setfacl: Sets or modifies file permissions using ACLs.
  • getfacl: Retrieves ACLs for files.
  • chmod: Modifies file permissions using traditional octal or symbolic modes.