access.conf - Linux


access.conf controls access to web-space. It is used by Apache to determine which users are allowed to access certain directories or files.


access.conf [-f | --file <file>] [-d | --dir <dir>] [-u | --user <user>] [-g | --group <group>] [-p | --perm <perm>]


  • -f, –file : Specify the config file to use. Defaults to /etc/httpd/conf/access.conf.
  • -d, –dir : Set the base directory to check access for. Defaults to the directory containing the config file.
  • -u, –user : Specify the user to check access for. Defaults to the current user.
  • -g, –group : Specify the group to check access for. Defaults to the current user’s group.
  • -p, –perm : Define the permissions to check. Valid values: "read", "write", "execute", "all".


Check if the current user has read access to /var/www/html:

access.conf -d /var/www/html -p read

Grant the "examplegroup" group write access to all files in /usr/local/webapps:

access.conf -f /etc/httpd/conf/myaccess.conf -d /usr/local/webapps -g examplegroup -p write

Common Issues

  • Permission denied errors: Ensure that the specified user/group has the correct permissions and that the config file is in the correct location.
  • Incorrect config file: Verify that the specified config file exists and is readable by Apache.
  • Multiple matching rules: If multiple rules apply to a request, the first matching rule will be used.


  • mod_access: Apache module that enforces the access rules defined in access.conf.
  • htaccess files: Override access rules for specific directories within a web-space.

Related Commands

  • httpd.conf: Apache configuration file
  • mod_authz_groupfile: Apache module that controls access based on a group file
  • htpasswd: Tool for creating and managing Apache authentication files