__fwriting - Linux


The fwriting command is designed to enable writers, bloggers, and creatives to enhance their writing process through text manipulation, editing, and analysis. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that streamline writing tasks, improve readability, and foster creativity.


__fwriting [options] [command] [arguments]


  • -h, --help: Display help information.
  • -v, --version: Print version information.
  • -d, --dictionary: Path to a custom dictionary used for spell checking.
  • -o, --output: Output file or directory for modified text.



Analyze the provided text and provide insights on readability, word count, and keyword density.


Convert text between different formats, such as plain text to Markdown or HTML.


Edit text using a variety of tools, including spell checking, grammar checking, and text manipulation.


Generate text, such as headlines, blog post outlines, or creative prompts, based on user-defined parameters.


Basic Text Analysis

__fwriting analyze --text "This is a sample text for analysis."

Convert Text to Markdown

__fwriting convert --input plain.txt --output markdown.md --format markdown

Edit Text with Spell Checking

__fwriting edit --text "sample.txt" --dictionary custom.dict

Generate a Blog Post Outline

__fwriting generate --topic "Home Office Productivity" --length 10

Common Issues

  • Incorrect Spelling: Ensure the custom dictionary used for spell checking is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Unsupported File Formats: Some specialized file formats may not be compatible with fwriting.
  • Syntax Errors: Pay close attention to the syntax and ensure all arguments are provided correctly.


fwriting can be integrated with other Linux commands using pipes or shell scripts. For instance, to check the readability of a file using the readability command:

__fwriting analyze --text sample.txt | readability

Related Commands

  • aspell: Spell checking tool.
  • vim: Text editor.
  • pandoc: File format converter.